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Research Consortium
These course materials have been developed as a joint collaboration between Aalto University's School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Finland) and Yale University's School of Architecture (USA), with support from SITRA, the Finnish Innovation Fund.
Matti Kuittinen
Alan Organschi
Andrew Ruff
Pekka Heikkinen
is a Senior Specialist at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, holds a D.Sc. in Architecture and currently lectures and develops courses for Aalto University's Creative Sustainability Master Programme.
is the Professor of Wood Architecture at Aalto University and directs the Wood Program in Architecture and Design at the Aalto University Department of Architecture.
is a principal and partner at Gray Organschi Architecture and the Coordinator of the Jim Vlock Building Project at the Yale University School of Architecture, where he also serves as a Senior Critic in Building Design and Technology.
is the Research Coordinator of the Timber City Research Initiative at Yale University and a Senior Associate at Gray Organschi Architecture.
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